Camden Maine, Row Boat Adventure
RENTAL REQUIREMENTS: The Individual taking responsibility for the bare boat rental must be experienced in rowing and able to row this type of vessel safely.
Secondly, I will need the :
Name, address, phone, email, number of people aboard and day of rental (A brief call and text can confirm agreements)
Payment arrangements:
Before casting lines, remove a self addressed envelope from the black box aboard(under the seat in the front or back) and insert the agreed amount, cash or check ($20 for 2hrs. or $40 for the day) to put in your pocket to mail directly before or after your rowing experience.
The oars, life jackets, and all safety equipment is conveniently aboard, and ready to go. The solar powered self bailing system will ensure that the boat is bone dry when you arrive. Please leave the boat as you found it in the same location. Please remove all your belongings, and remove any sand or mud with the sponge provided with sea water after folding the oars and outriggers inboard. Tie up the boat properly and use the carribeaner clip at the end of the line, if you are unsure of your knot tying skills. If you have any doubts about any of this info, please call me.
After agreements are made, by a brief phone conversation and text the row boat can be easily found as close to the waterfall as possible, from the Public Landing side, on the Fishermans dock.
For more info, call 207-841-8226
Have fun as I know you will, its my faorite passtime!
Relax with an easy row in Camden harbor on this super stable peapod.